Falkirk Five

The Brief
Co-create, manufacture and install a series of 6 ceramic tiled art benches along the new 5K active travel route connecting the Union and Forth and Clyde Canal, Falkirk. Key to the project was to have community at its heart.
What we did
In partnership with Scottish Canals we approached diverse organisations connecting us with a broad representative group of local community memebers to make the benches with. We generated ideas by mapping and visualising the canal landscape and how local people experience the environment and its heritage. We translated drawings and ideas onto ceramic decals for use in
tile making and ceramic decal collage workshops.
What we made
200 attendances at workshops
20 interactions with public during installation days
Over 1000 Handmade and community designed and decaled tiles
6 community ceramic benches
Safer Communities Youth Action Project
Carmuirs Primary
Easter Carmuirs Primary
Larbert Village Primary
Go Forth and Clyde